Wednesday, November 23, 2011



Mata Pelajaran            : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/ Semester           : XI/ Ganjil
Pertemuan                   : 9
Alokasi Waktu            : 1 x 45 menit
Standar Kompetensi   : Berkomunikasi dengan Bahasa Inggris setara Level Elementary.
Kompetensi Dasab   : Mencatat pesan- pesan sederhana baik dalam interaksi langsung maupun tidak  langsung
Indikator                  : Penyebutan nama pekerjaan dan disertai dengan kegiatan yang dilakukan menggunakan Simple Present Tense dijawab dan diperagakan dengan benar.
I.     Tujuan Pembelajaran
Peserta didik mampu menyebutkan nama pekerjaan dan menyesuaikan dengan kegiatan yang dilakukan menggunakan Simple Present Tense.

II.  Materi Ajar
Simple Present Tense
Simple Present Tense is a kind of tense which explains the activity that happened in the present or now.
Time signal:
-          Every …
-          Always
-          Often
-          Seldom
-          Never
-          Etc

a.    Nominal

  (+) S + be (is, am, are) + N/ adj./ adv.
(-) S + be (is, am, are) + not + N/ adj./ adv.
(?) be (is, am, are) + S + N/ adj./ adv.?


Is            : she, he, it
Am         : I
Are         : you, they, we
1. (+) I am a student.
    (-)  I am not a student.
    (?) Am I a student?

2. (+) she is a teacher.
    (-) She is not a teacher.
    (?) Is she a teacher?

b.    Verbal

(+) S + V1(s/es) + O/C
  (-)  S + do, does + not + V1 + O/C
(?) do, does + S + V1?

Do          : I, you, they, we
Does      : she, he, it
1. (+) She works everyday.
    (-) She does not work everyday.
    (?) Does she work everyday?

2. (+) They always play football here.
    (-)  They do not always play football here.
    (?)  Do they always play football here?

There are many kinds of job that people done. The jobs can be as people’s daily job to earn money or may be just a hobby for fun. Here will be explained some of them by using Simple Present Tense.
1.      A fisherman is someone who catches the fish in the sea.
2.      A photographer is someone who takes some pictures.
3.      A gardener is someone who plants and keeps flowers in the garden.
4.      A journalist is someone who writes a story or news.
5.      A mechanic is someone who fixes the car.
6.      Barbers are people who cut hairs.
7.      Postmen are people who take and send the letter.
8.      Tailors are people who sew clothes.
9.      Chefs are people who cook meal.
10.  Pilots are people who fly the plane.

This conversation below shows a people’s job and the activity.
Mrs. Nia             : What do you do for a living?
Mr. Rudi            : I am a mechanic.
Mrs. Nia             : A mechanic? That must be a lot of work.
Mr. Danu           : Of course. I fix cars everyday.
Mrs. Nia             : How interesting. How many cars do you fix?
Mr. Dan             : I fix about 8 cars everyday.
Mrs. Nia             : Wow, it is fantastic!
Mr. Danu           : Thank you

III.   Metode Pembelajaran
-     Ceramah
-     Tanya- jawab
-     Games
IV.   Kegiatan Pembelajaran
a.       Kegiatan Awal
-  Berdoa
-  Apersepsi
-  Melakukan pretest
b.      Kegiatan Inti
-  Peserta didik memperhatikan penjelasan tentang People’s Job Using Simple Present Tense.
-  Peserta didik dibagi menjadi 4 kelompok dan dibagikan beberapa kartu yang berisi nama pekerjaan. Salah satu anggota kelompok akan memberikan gambaran kegiatan pekerjaan tersebut menggunakan bahasa Inggris dan teman anggota kelompok akan menebak nama pekerjaannya.
-  Peserta didik melakukan kegiatan games selama kurang lebih 10 menit dan diakhiri dengan pengumuman kelompok pemenang serta pemberian hadiah.
-  Peserta didik diberikan beberapa gambar melalui slide dan menebak nama profesi atau pekerjaan yang ditunjukkan pada gambar.
-  Peserta didik mengerjakan latihan yang diberikan oleh guru berkaitan dengan materi hari ini.

c.       Kegiatan Akhir
-  Mengadakan post test
-  Mengadakan perbaikan bagi siswa yang belum kompeten tentang materi hari ini.
V.      Alat/ Bahan/ Sumber Ajar
-  LKS
-  English in Progress ‘Business and Management’ (Elementary Level) by Drs. Munash F. Anwar.
-  Google
-  Flashcard
VI.   Penilaian
-   Teknik Penilaian                        : Lisan dan tertulis
-   Bentuk Instrumen                      : Isian
I.     Complete these sentences below by using the words in the box.
1.    Someone who flies the plane is a …                                             
2.    This man works in a hospital to examine the patient. He is a …
3.    Mr. Dani plants some flowers in school garden and waters them everyday. He is a …
4.    This woman prepares some news or stories every week and publishes them in newspaper. She is a …
5.    My teeth are very sick. I go to the hospital and check my teeth to the …           
6.    My mother goes to school everyday. She teaches the student patiently. She is a …
7.    People who put out the fire are …
8.    They work in the hospital to take care of patient. They usually wear a white uniform. They are …
9.    There is a problem with my car. So I ask a … to fix it.

a.    dentist                  c. journaliste                e. butcher        g. nurses          i. fire fighters
b.    teacher                  d. gardener                  f. doctor          h. pilot             j. mechanic

Many people buy some meats from this man. He always prepares a fresh meat to the buyers. He is a …

II.  Please tell these occupations below using Simple Present Tense
1.    A barber
2.    A bus driver
3.    A dustman
4.    Farmers
5.    Librarians

Critical Book Review: Some Dilemmas of Teaching

The Title of the Book  : Some Dilemmas of Teaching
The Year                     : 1971
The Writer                   : Ernes Roe
Subtopic of the Book  : Why I Am a Teacher, The Virtues of Teachers
Pages                           : 1- 109

Being a teacher will get some dilemmas. This situation will be a challenge and a stimulus a source of hope, rather than of despair.

Teachers are subjective insiders involved in classroom instruction as they go about their daily routines of instructing students, grading papers, taking attendance, evaluating their performance as well as looking at the curriculum. Traditional educational researchers who develop questions and design studies around those questions and conduct research within the schools are considered objective outside observers of classroom interaction. Teacher-researchers raise questions about what they think and observe about their teaching and their students' learning. They collect student work in order to evaluate performance, but they also see student work as data to analyze in order to examine the teaching and learning that produced it.

Almost everybody is an authority on matters educational. If teachers sometimes identified by loud voice and dogmatic opinions, they may be merely staking a claim to be heard above the din of self appointed experts. Teaching consists of an extremely complex set of tasks and the individual who believes he has mastered them fully is both rate and deluded.

Summary of content
The focus of the material that presented in this chapter is about the problems that common faced by a teacher. The first dilemma is one we face anytime we open up our classrooms for spontaneous discussion. How much should we encourage or even allow self-disclosure in the classroom? Effective teachers often draw more openness from their students. Thus, they are faced with more challenges. English teachers become aware of their students' problems especially through their responses to reading and through their writing. However, we lack the appropriate training, the time, and the resources to counsel any individual student with professional depth. 

Then a teacher is also face a circumstance which sometimes hurt him/ her. Sometimes the freedom is too much among the students. This can make them get angry and disappointed to the student, at last the process of study cannot run well.

In this book, the author also stated that a teacher is paragons: sensitivity. i do agree with this statement. We cannot blame a teacher who feel disappointed with the condition because sometimes even though he’ she has done as the nature, the student always make some trouble. For example, when a teacher is explaining the material in front of the class, two students are talking at the back. The teacher will think that his/ her explanation is not valued. The students do not enjoyed it although the others students are listening. Yet the teacher is so sensitive, moreover for a new teacher who has not experience about it.
To conduct this problem, a teacher should prepare not only their knowledge or hard skill, but also mentally or soft skill in facing so many different conditions.

Next, the author also stated that a teacher does everything in sincerity. As we know that in our country, the salary of a teacher is not high. For some honor teachers, they just paid low. This condition is so pity. Someone who teach the children of this country to read, to write, and to count is just paid cheap. Yet the reality what I have seen that a teacher is so sincere. They never sigh with this circumstance. They accept that event though it is not appropriate with their virtues. Talking about virtues, a teacher is known as a merit person. They give their knowledge pleasantly.

Analysis and evaluation of the book

Most of topic covered in this book has been concerned to some extent with teacher expectation. The author delivered that the teacher need a condition which the student respect him/ her during the study process and in outside. That is a common expecting from everyone, not only a teacher. Being respecting by the others is one of the big dreams of everybody.

The author explained that a teacher is so sensitive, and I think that it is a common knowledge. Everybody is sensitive. There are some conditions that cause someone get angry, or blame the others when something bad is coming towards him/ her. The author did not specify the sensitiveness, what kind of sensitiveness that belongs to the teacher. 

Beside it, the author cannot explain the topic in brief. There are so many repetitions in this book. Sometimes it causes the difficult condition to the readers to understand the case.
Actually, the way of the author in explaining this topic is by giving some cases as the examples. The case is pertinent to the topic, so the readers can understand it as the example in daily life. This example will make the readers feel that they did it.

Thus, the writer has presented his topics well even though in some parts there is some misunderstandings. Based on the explanation, the writer will reach the purpose of his writing. Most of the readers will understand about the condition of a teacher or the dilemmas of them by studying this book. When we related this topic to the subject about Curriculum and Material Development, the students and the teachers will be easier in studying CMD because the content is also related each other. The writer should separate the sub- topics all in helping the readers to focus in every sub- topic.
This book will help the student who will be a teacher in preparing themselves to be a professional teacher for the best education in our country. And so does to the teacher, this book is helpful to improve themselves by creating good teaching techniques in the class.

Then, the writer also should be able to unite the thinking of the readers by giving summary at the end of that topic. At last, this book is good not only for the students to make them in enjoy in studying CMD, but also the teachers to make them easy in spreading the material about this topic in CMD subject.